

We are often looking for new talent; young, dynamic and experienced profiles.

Our human resources policy is based on skills development in the service of the corporate strategy, internal promotion through a career management policy, and a constructive social dialogue fostering a serene working environment.

With a view to achieving excellence at all operational levels and professional development for all employees, our human resources policy is based on the following key areas:

  • Supporting change and business growth

A thoughtful training plan incorporates the fundamental issues facing COSUMAR: the transformation of market environment that is increasingly open to competition and focused on international expansion. Developing the skills of each of our employees enables to fully exploit their potential and develop their talents so as to progress in their career and broaden their skills.

  • Providing career management to favour internal promotion

We seek to motivate our employees and offer opportunities for them to enjoy a fulfilling career within the COSUMAR Group. The HR policy aims at ensuring a better match between employees and the positions they hold, leveraging the diverse talents within the company, supporting skills development for each of them, and professionalizing all company players.

  • Creating an ongoing and rich economic and social dialogue between employees, managers and social partners

The implementation of a regular social barometer provides an opportunity for each employee to express themselves and assess the company social climate. Other communications channels are also available and allow for an ongoing and constructive dialogue between employees.

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