Designated an aggregator model by FAO in 2009, the COSUMAR Group has a daily commitment to developing the sugar industry and satisfying its players.
As a major Moroccan company, the COSUMAR group has been recognized as an aggregator of the sugar industry. In fact, COSUMAR is involved at all levels of the sugar sector, in particular with the agricultural upstream, with a view to achieving a common goal: the development, competitiveness and sustainability of the national sugar sector through the promotion of sugarcane and sugarbeet cultivation.
As an agro-industrial investor and a responsible and solidarity aggregator, COSUMAR supports its agricultural partners on the financial, technical and social level and the aggregation conventions established and initiated by the Green Morocco Plan aim at further strengthening the win-win relationship its agricultural partners. Such role as an aggregator revolves around several initiatives, including:
- Financial support and technical and human coaching for sugar plant producers of the sugar plants for improved productivity generating a significant increment in income.
- Support for agricultural production transportation to the processing plants
- Ensuring total transparency in payments through the upgrading of raw material reception centres
- Ensuring that production is purchased
- A solidarity fund to protect farmers in cases of poor harvests due to climatic hazards within the framework of FIMASUCRE
- Social support for farm families
In 2009, the Cosumar Group was awarded a medal of merit by FAO, for its positive role as an aggregator with its 80,000 beet and cane agricultural partners. This distinction rewards the group’s efforts and encourages it to enhance its leading role for the socio-economic development of Morocco’s agricultural regions
Created in June 2007, the interprofessional sugar Federation brings together the Sugar Professional Association, the Cosumar group and the National Union of Sugar Plant producers of Morocco.
This federation supports the development and upgrading of the Moroccan sugar sector.